
What Is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

In other words, your thoughts are where it all begins. Your thoughts perpetuate your energy. Change your thoughts, change what you manifest. He replied that Elon rarely thinks about what others will say about his companies. All of this helps to keep your mind in a positive space and achieve higher vibrational energy. Then all your wishes will come true and the good things will always come naturally to you. We constantly see this transfer of energy into the world around us: turning an idea into a product, ice into water, breaking down into life; Energy can also flow through us. Science claims that the Big Bang created the universe. Then the Big Bang led to the energy-altering form; Create everything we know.

Over the past thirteen billion years, this energy has changed constantly. Existing energy does not die. Instead, the energy changes shape again and again. Scientists say that when a man ejaculates, he releases 135,000 terabytes of information. If you think carefully about sexual energy, it is the strongest force in the universe. This energy is so powerful that it can bring a soul from another dimension into ours. This universal law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in this universe. This does not mean that it remains stationary or constant. The energy in the universe is constantly changing shape and is transferred between people and things. The energy is in constant motion.

The law refers to the total energy of the universe. Something they have in common is the way they practiced sperm retention. Steve Jobs believed that by releasing his sexual energies, he released a lot of energy that he needed for creativity. This law is perhaps the least understood, but the influence of energy on our own vibrations does not only affect how we feel; It affects how others react to us. From another important universal law, we learn how everything in this universe is made of energy. Understanding the law of continuous transmutation of energy is extremely useful for manifestation. Increasing your energetic vibration is an essential prerequisite for manifesting your desire. There are many ways to know when your ego is preventing you from letting energy flow and transform through you: The law of eternal transmutation of energy means that you can also transform your own energy to manifest the things you want. If the energy is always moving, you can use this knowledge to move to your advantage through the different forms of energy. An example of this would be channeling the excitement you might feel into creativity, turning your happiness into a visualization exercise, or channeling your anger into power during a workout. You`re probably already doing it without thinking about it.

Have you ever observed how the richest people work? Have you noticed that they are often the most charitable people in the world? They can be because they know how to manifest wealth. The secret of the manifestation of money that is common among these people is that money is not a commodity to be hoarded. Money is an energy that flows freely from the universe. The law states that energy flows freely through the universe. You must keep this in mind when you manifest abundance. If you receive your request, you may not keep it exclusively for your use or store it for future use. You must let abundance flow freely. Share it among others. How you do this is entirely up to you. Here are some guidelines that can help you use the hermetic law of non-resistance to attract positive energy and success into your life: A higher vibration allows you to bring positive energy into your transmutation and creative process. Don`t think about adverse events from the past and don`t worry about what will happen in the future.

Instead of endless cycles of negative thoughts, be brave and take action. Find a viable solution and integrate it into your life. Water is a great example of this law at work in our physical world. Water can turn into icicle, steam, clouds, rain, snow, but water never disappears from the earth; It still exists. You can`t get rid of the energy that is water, you can only change (or transform) its shape. This is the law of perpetual transmutation of energy at work. From one state to another, energy is constantly evolving, moving, and transforming, and it still exists (even if you can`t see it). Universal laws of non-resistance say that what you resist must always remain. It connects to one of the 12 hermetic laws of karma – the law of change. The law of change says that a situation must repeat itself until we learn the lesson it is supposed to teach. All energy can be transformed, all energy manifests. Elon is the kind of person who focuses on what he wants to accomplish and only stops when he succeeds.

He doesn`t do it for pats on the back. He works because he loves what he does. Transcending the ego means abandoning all conditioning of what society considers a successful life. When you let go of this fear conditioning, your vibration naturally increases. In addition to its constant state of motion, the energy “is” simple. It exists. It cannot disappear, it cannot disappear, it cannot add itself.